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海外華媒代表打卡小西天 吳默:讓更多大灣區人來臨汾旅遊

2024-12-20 09:43:23 来源:湾新社 作者: 阅读:




Nordic Perspective on Linfen:Overseas Chinese Media Representatives Visit Xiaoxitian,Discuss Cultural Export and Preservation

Jointly reported by this newspaper and Dotdotnews

Since August this year,the video game《Black Myth:Wukong》has brought the ancient architecture of Shanxi into the spotlight.Among the newly popular sites is Xiaoxitian Scenic Area in Xixian County,which has been flooded with tourists.On December16,more than40leading figures from overseas Chinese media took on the role of“Chosen Ones,”visiting Xiaoxitian in Linfen,Shanxi Province.They explored the unique suspended sculptures,learned how the site has embraced its newfound popularity,reflected on the positive impact of gaming on traditional culture’s global reach,and shared insights on cultural heritage preservation and historical legacy development.

Zhang Liang,Editor-in-Chief of the*World Culture News*in the United States,conducted thorough research before the visit.However,stepping into the main hall of Xiaoxitian and witnessing its suspended sculptures and murals firsthand left him in awe.Filled with emotion,he remarked that he would dedicate significant coverage to Xiaoxitian upon his return,ensuring that more people become aware of such a remarkable example of Chinese traditional culture.

Wu Mo,Editor-in-Chief of the*Greater Bay Area Times*,emphasized the unique opportunity presented by the international success of a game in introducing Chinese culture to foreign audiences,especially younger generations.He expressed hope that more international visitors would follow the game’s inspiration to Linfen,experiencing China’s rich culture firsthand.He also encouraged young people from Hong Kong and Macau to visit Linfen for an immersive encounter with traditional Chinese culture.

Reporter and Photographer:Yang Qilin








倪壁雄会长受邀出席“两大盛会” “走出去”助经贸交流


【《大湾区时报》湾新社消息,记者一鸣发自汕头】时隔多年,国际潮团联谊年会和世界潮商大会(下称“两大盛会”)再次回归汕头。2 2022年,汕头获得“两大盛会&


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